sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2019


by Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA  

Day 40

Restoring Your Image

Genesis 1:27 (NKJV), 27 Then God created man in his own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Personality and character are two words commonly used when referring to someone's image. If we replace character and personality for image, Genesis 1:27 would affirm then that God created man with His character or that God created man with His personality.

Replacing the word image with character or personality in Romans 8:29 helps us to understand that God's will for those who choose Christ as Savior, is to mold them inwardly to the original image man was created in. Which is the personality/character of God Who is love.

Romans 8:29 (AMP) 29 For those whom He foreknew [of which He was well-acquainted and loved beforehand], He also ordained from the beginning [foreordaining] them to be molded in the image of His Son [and share His likeness] that he may become the firstborn among many brethren.

God's will for every Christian is to restore in them the personality He originally created Adam with which is His personality of love (1 John 4: 8, "... God is love"). Genesis 1:26 (AMP), 26 God said, Let us [Father, Son and Holy Ghost] make mankind in our image, after our likeness ... " 

When Adam disobeyed God, he lost his nature of love and took on a selfish nature. People who know Christ are those who have followed the Narrow Path to Relationship and have been shaped in His image and thus have regained their loving nature.

Ending Thoughts
As you travel down Narrow Path to Relationship with God your personality changes. Do you recognize any change in your personality since you came to Christ? For example, are you more patient or kind?


pelo Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA 

Dia 40

Restaurando sua imagem

Gênesis 1:27 (NKJV), 27 Então Deus criou o homem à sua própria imagem; na imagem de Deus Ele o criou; macho e fêmea Ele os criou.

Personalidade e caráter são duas palavras comumente usadas quando se refere à imagem de alguém. Se substituirmos o caráter e a personalidade pela imagem Gênesis 1:27 afirmaria então que Deus criou o homem com Seu caráter ou que Deus criou o homem com Sua personalidade.

Substituir caráter ou personalidade pela imagem em Romanos 8:29 nos ajuda a entender que a vontade de Deus para aqueles que escolhem a Cristo como Salvador é moldá-los interiormente à imagem original do homem, que é a personalidade de amor de Deus.

Romanos 8:29 (AMP) 29 Para aqueles a quem de antemão [dos quais Ele estava ciente e amado de antemão], Ele também destinou desde o início [preordenando-os] para ser moldado à imagem de Seu Filho [e compartilhar Sua semelhança] para que Ele se torne o primogênito entre muitos irmãos.

A vontade de Deus para todo cristão é a restauração de sua personalidade original à personalidade de amor de Deus (1 João 4: 8, "... Deus é amor"). 

Gênesis 1:26 (AMP), 26 "Deus disse: Deixe-nos [Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo] fazer a humanidade à nossa imagem, à nossa semelhança ...” Quando Adão desobedeceu a Deus, perdeu sua natureza de amor e assumiu uma natureza egoísta. 

As pessoas que conhecem a Cristo são aquelas que seguiram o Caminho Estreito para o relacionamento e foram moldadas à Sua imagem e, assim, recuperaram sua natureza amorosa.

Concluindo a meditação:     
Quando você viaja pelo Caminho Estreito para o Relacionamento com Deus, sua personalidade muda. Você reconhece alguma mudança em sua personalidade desde que você aceitou à Cristo? Por exemplo, você é mais paciente ou bondoso?

quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2019


by Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA               

Day 39

The Secret

Philippians 4:11–13 (AMP), Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. 12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. 13 I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

Paul, while thanking the Philippians for their gift, reveals the secret of living a victorious Christian life that he learned when he returned from the third heaven! Paul is being infused with Christ’s strength which enables him to do all things.

What a gift God gave us in Christ and what a gift Christ gave when He sent us the Holy Spirit! Through the Holy Spirit we too can be infused with the strength we need to fulfill the Commandment to Love!  Oh Glory!

Romans 8:3–4 (AMP) 3 For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] condemned sin in the flesh [subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice], 4 So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit].

When we draw our strength from Christ we are not living according to the flesh, but we are being controlled by Holy Spirit! Oh glory!!! God has provided the power we need to overcome the dictates of the flesh and it is always available. We just have to ask to be infused with power as we live in this fallen world!

Ending Thoughts
Have you asked God to infuse you with strength when you are tempted to break the commandment to love? Just ask and you will receive.


pelo Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA 

Dia 39

O Segredo

Filipenses 4:11-13 (AMP) Não estou dizendo isso porque esteja necessitado, porque já aprendi a contentar-me (satisfeito a ponto de não se perturbar ou inquieto)   a toda e qualquer circunstância. 12 Sei o que é passar necessidade e sei o que é ter fartura. Aprendi o segredo de viver contente em toda e qualquer situação, seja bem alimentado, seja com fome, tendo muito, ou passando necessidade. 13 Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece.

Quem me fortalece [estou pronto para qualquer coisa e igual a qualquer coisa por meio daquele que me preenche força interior ; Eu sou auto-suficiente na suficiência de Cristo].

Paulo, enquanto agradece aos filipenses por seu dom, revela o segredo de viver uma vida cristã vitoriosa que ele aprendeu quando voltou do terceiro céu! Paulo está sendo preenchido com a força de Cristo que lhe permite fazer todas as coisas.

Que presente Deus nos deu em Cristo e que presente que Cristo nos deu quando nos enviou o Espírito Santo! Através do Espírito Santo nós também podemos ser preenchidos  com a força que precisamos para cumprir o mandamento de amar! Oh glória!

Romanos 8:3-4 (AMP)  Porque, aquilo que a lei fora incapaz de fazer  (seu poder) por estar enfraquecida pela carne (toda a natureza do homem sem o Espírito Santo], Deus o fez, enviando seu próprio Filho, à semelhança do homem pecador, como oferta pelo pecado. (Deus) E assim condenou o pecado na carne (subjugou, superou, privou-a de seu poder sobre todos os que aceitam aquele sacrifício), a fim de que as justas exigências da lei fossem plenamente satisfeitas em nós, que não vivemos segundo a carne, mas segundo o Espírito (nossas vidas governadas não pelos padrões e de acordo com os ditames da carne, mas controlados pelo Espírito Santo).

Quando nós extrairmos nossa força de Cristo, não estamos vivendo de acordo com a carne, mas estamos vivendo de acordo com o Espírito Santo! Oh glória !!! Deus providenciou o poder de que precisamos para vencer os desejos da carne e este sempre estará disponível. Nós apenas temos que pedir para sermos preenchidos com este poder enquanto vivemos neste mundo caído!

Concluindo a meditação
Você já pediu a Deus para te preencher de Sua força quando é tentado a quebrar o mandamento de amar? Basta pedir e você receberá.

GREAT EXPLOITS - by Pr. Les Bowling

Text written by Pr. Les Bowling - Eagle Rock Church - Pickerington, OH

"And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days."  Dan. 11:31-32

What are great exploits? What are these great things that people who know their God do? Often we define things according to the world's definitions. We think mighty exploits are great deeds done. 

We think of people whose actions have impacted the world. We think of the glory and the fame.
Truly mighty exploits - ones that count for eternity - can only be done by people who know their God. It then follows that we must look for mighty exploits from God's point of view, not man's.

What does God look for in these great deeds?

Jesus gave the first commandment as loving God completely. All mighty exploits flow from a love of God. Any other motive is self-seeking and renders great actions eternally impotent. Our love for God must be first. We act out of our desire to please him in all actions - great and small.

God looks for men and women, boys and girls, who will obey His instructions. Too many people want to decide for themselves what is right or wrong. That was the failure of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  It is not a choice God has given mankind. He has already declared what is right and wrong. Our choice is simply obedience or disobedience.

Mighty exploits can only be done by people in submission both to God and to His leadership. They know what it is like to be under authority, and so they have authority.

To do mighty exploits we must consider the cause of our King greater than our own lives. We must be willing to put it all on the line.  We cannot seek our own glory, fame, or satisfaction. We are to be consumed with the Kingdom of God.

Mighty exploits can only be done by people who will stand on Godly principles no matter what the cost.  They do not violate the Covenant. They will not be moved by selfish ambition. They will not compromise.  They will treat everyone ethically and fairly no matter what the cost.

What do great deeds look like? 

Jesus did His greatest work on the cross.  To the world it looked like failure, to God it was the greatest victory possible. 

One of Job's mightiest exploits was when he praised God after he lost everything, including his health. 

I once read in Voice of the Martyrs how a Christian family helped a murderous guerrilla leader get a life-saving operation and then cared for him as he was recovering, including having him spend Christmas with them.  He later said it was the first time anyone had given him a gift.  It was a mighty exploit. 

Great exploits are done by people who are the love of God expressed in their community. 

Yes, they will oppose evil, but it is far more than that. Remember that evil is overcome by doing good. The end never justifies the means.  The ends and the means must both be righteous. We can't go around shooting abortion doctors, for example?

How many of us have had such doctors into our homes for a friendly meal?  

I know I haven't. 

The price we pay for doing what is right may be high - sword, flame, captivity.  In the long run; however, we will win and the Lord will abundantly reward us for any sacrifice on His behalf.

We need to clear our minds of the clutter that often clouds our vision. We need to begin to see things how God sees them and to express the unconditional love of God. Then we will do mighty exploits that will echo for eternity even if they are unrecognized on earth. This is not something for supersaints, but for everyone one of God's people. I am talking to a mirror, because I need to consider this so much more in my own life.

Daily Declarations:
a) You are Strong
b) You are Brave
c) You are Wise
d) You are Willing
e) You are Winning
f) You are Overcoming

You have what you need to have to do what God commands us to do.

Revelations 19:10... "the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy."


by Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA 
Day 38


Philippians 4:11 (AMP) 11 “Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.”

Paul was Born Again and called into the ministry in 36AD and ten years later (46AD) taken to the third heaven where he saw and heard things he was not allowed to speak about. In 60AD, twenty-four years after being converted, Paul wrote about his heavenly experience in 2 Corinthians 12. 

In 64AD, twenty-eight years after his conversion, Paul tells the Philippians he has learned to be content, to be satisfied, to not be disturbed (troubled. bothered, concerned, worried, anxious, distressed, upset) in all circumstances and every situation he faced.

Can you imagine being beaten, or stoned, or shipwrecked and floating in an ocean for a night and a day? Can you imagine being content while experiencing the dangers, the risks, the threats, the exposure to hunger, and cold and hot weather that Paul faced in his life?

In our world people get irritated, bothered, and upset, when simple things like having to wait at a long traffic light, or when a grocery line is too slow, or when a driver cuts them off in traffic. Discontentment in our, “got to have it my way” societies abound and keep us more concerned with left and right then we are with above and below.

Being content is tied to taking up our cross of obedience and dying to our selfish desires, which is the same as dying to the dictates of the flesh. The New Covenant principle of Exchanging Strengths with Christ is spoken of by Paul in Romans 8:13 (AMP), “For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the [Holy] Spirit you are [habitually] putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the [evil] deeds prompted by the body, you shall [really and genuinely] live forever.”

Paul learned to use Christ’s power through the Holy Spirit to stop discontentment. We too can be content in all situations but first must we learn to draw on the power of the Holy Spirit to stop the deeds of the flesh.

Ending Thought
Think about areas of your life in which you are discontent and ask Jesus to teach you to use the power, He has made available through Holy Spirit to overcome your selfish desires.


pelo Rev. Robert John Cericola, Carroll, OH - EUA 

Dia 38


Filipenses 4:11 (AMP) Não estou dizendo isso porque esteja necessitado, porque já aprendi a contentar-me (satisfeito a ponto de não se perturbar ou inquieto) a toda e qualquer circunstância.

Paulo nasceu de novo e foi chamado para o ministério em 36 dC e dez anos depois (46 dC) foi levado ao terceiro céu, onde viu e ouviu coisas das quais não podia falar.

Em 60 dC, vinte e quatro anos depois de se converter, Paulo escreveu sobre sua experiência celestial em 2 Coríntios 12.

Em 64 DC, vinte e oito anos após sua conversão, Paulo diz aos filipenses que aprendeu a contentar-se, a ficar satisfeito, a não se preocupar (incomodar, irritar, ficar ansioso ou angustiado ou aborrecido) em todas as circunstâncias e situações que ele enfrentou.

Você consegue se imaginar espancado, drogado, naufragado e flutuando no oceano por uma noite e um dia? Você pode se imaginar contente enquanto experimenta os perigos, os riscos, as ameaças, a exposição à fome e o clima frio e quente que Paulo enfrentou em sua vida?

Em nosso mundo, as pessoas ficam irritadas, incomodadas e aborrecidas quando coisas simples como ter que esperar em um longo semáforo, ou quando tem que esperar em uma fila de supermercado que é muito lenta, ou quando um motorista nos corta no trânsito. Descontentamento em nossas sociedades tipo "tenho que fazer do meu jeito", é abundante e nos mantém mais preocupados com a esquerda e direita, então acabamos para acima e para baixo.

Estar contente é estar disposto a tomar nossa cruz de obediência e morrer para os nossos desejos egoístas, o que é o mesmo que morrer aos desejos da carne.

O princípio da Nova Aliança de trocar forças com Cristo é mencionado por Paulo em Romanos 8:13 (AMP), “Porque se você viver de acordo com os desejos da carne, certamente você morrerá. Mas, se viver pelo poder do [Santo] Espírito você estará [habitualmente] matando (extinguindo, amortecendo) as [más] ações provocadas pelo corpo; você [realmente e genuinamente] viverá para sempre.”

Paulo aprendeu a usar o poder de Cristo através do Espírito Santo para parar o descontentamento. Nós também podemos estar contentes em todas as situações, mas primeiro devemos aprender a atrair o poder do Espírito Santo para refrearmos as ações da carne.

Concluindo a meditação
Pense nas áreas de sua vida em que você está descontente e peça a Jesus para ensiná-lo a aplicar o Seu  poder que Ele disponibilizou para nós através do Espírito Santo afim de superarmos nossos desejos egoístas
