In the US State of California it is totally legal to insert a PLASTIC TUBE through a pregnant woman's vaginal canal to aspirate the brain of a fetus out of her uterus, at any stage of its formation, even during the final days for this infant to be born. This is called legalized abortion. ALL GOOD, HIGH FIVE!
However, it is not possible for any bar or restaurant to offer a plastic straw to its customer to drink its soda or juice, as it can be prosecuted in view of a law created by the green party and sanctioned by the crazy politicians of that State.
An Austrian woman who held two seminars during which she portrayed Mohammed as a paedophile was prosecuted and condemned in a sentence because he offended a Muslim because he defamed Mohammed on the same level of a pedophile for having married Aisha Abu Baquir, a 7-year-old child, and having had sex with his "WIFE-CHILD" at age of 9. View: or
My first simple question: 'How can a Muslim be offended by what is written in Hadiz, which is the body of laws about Mohammed's life?'
My second simple question: 'Where is the right to a free speech?'
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1:22
This is the Weltgeist´s wisdom = "spirit of this world", which could be translated as the "evil spirit of this present century"!
By the way, it will get much worse as the day of the Lord approaches!